Need help with the twitch API

Hello again. As many of you may already know, I’m currently working on the take home projects.

This time, I’ve hit a roadblock while fetching data from the twitch API

While my project can fetch user data just fine, when I try to fetch stream data, all I get are these useless empty objects, no matter the user_login:

  "data": [],
  "pagination": {


I would appreciate it if anyone could help.

Project link is below:

That’s what you get if you open on your browser, you are not doing something wrong

you can report a bug if you want

Alright i guess…

Wait, idk how to do that

You can use the static snapshot API data with the listed users (the demo uses it). But if you want to use the twitch API I would suggest you use the real one.

The proxy API might have been misused (by third parties) so it can’t generate a new API key for the proxy. I only looked at the proxy code briefly but didn’t see anything obvious.