Hiya, Elliot here!
I’ve decided during mat leave that I’d like to change careers and get into software development. I’m mostly interested in back end dev and machine learning, so I’ve started my journey with Python. It’s going fairly well so far, but it’s quite the challenge to wrap my head around everything on my own.
Are there any seasoned Python developers out there with tips, advice or perhaps a listening ear?
Thanks fellow campers!
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Certainly! Python is very popular for those two interests of yours, especially in machine learning. You will find great success via in-person networking. Be on the look-out for meetups, college events/career fairs, technology job fairs, and technology events in your area. Check out Engineering Resumes on Reddit for ideas on how to format your resume. You may also find people to add as connections on LinkedIn by searching for posts from your location. Always have a portfolio website to showcase all your major completed and in-progress projects, and you’ll be good to go!
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Thanks for the advice! I hadn’t thought to look for local events, been focusing on online options, but that’s a great idea