Nelson Mandela-Tribute Page

Hi everyone, here is myTribute Page I completed some time ago.Would appreciate your feedback on my page. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


Looks great :slight_smile: well done!

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Thank you for your feedback.

That looks great with amazing information about the life of Nelson Mandela!!

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Looks awesome :partying_face:!

The link to wikipedia, at the bottom, is missing a space before it:

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Looks cool! Why don’t you try some CSS styling too ? Adding some features would be great. Keep going!


Welcome back @leo99prxy. Your page looks good. Some things you may want to revisit;

  • Keep the test script when forking the pen (<script src=""></script>). Your page passes 6/10 user stories.
  • In the tribute section you’ve made the years bold. Take away the bullet points.
  • Review the lesson about giving meaningful text to links
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How cool, I love the grafiti :sunny:


Oh this is awesome! I think adding a bit more styles would make it really pop.

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Thanks for your review! :grinning:

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Hi thanks for the feedback.I’ll make sure to correct my wiki link :+1:

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Love it. Its really good and a great subject. The only thing I’d change is the timeline. I had to scroll down to get to the bottom of the left column and then scroll back up to read the right column.

-4trio19 :pineapple:


Thanks! I’ll try some CSS styling to improve the page.

Thanks! I understand what you’re suggesting. I’ll make sure to correct it

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Thanks for your review. :smiley:

Thanks for your suggestion! I’ll add some styles to improve it.

Thanks for the feedback! I’ll improve on your suggestions.

Nice job. Great artwork choice. Well done.

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Nice Page! Here are some improvements I might suggest:
~ You should keep the test script in the code.
~ Timeline is a bit confusing.
~ A bit more styling would make it awesome.
Overall, it’s a pretty nice page :+1:.

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Thanks. Im working on the second project now but will surely work on your suggestions.