Hi all, Need some advise , I was working C# , .net (asp.net forms ) support role till 2020 and now have gap of 2 year due to pandemic. I am trying to get back into Full stack , but as there plenty of skills to brush upon which i have not worked earlier ( .net core, EF core , react , angular 8 ) , If I start to study all of them ,it will take me 1 more year and the Gap will increase. Please advise if Azure Dev Track will be more feasible in this case . I am struggling since year to get back to job market.
I wouldn’t try to lean all possible tech stacks. It might be a good idea to focus on learning one of the popular stacks. Then, even if you apply for a job that uses a different framework you can show that you are flexible and able to adapt quickly.
That sounds rough, I’m sorry to hear that.
I’d say the most obvious stack to ramp up in for you would be dotnet core using Entity Framework with either Angular or React. I’d say Angular is more “dotnety” but React is by far the most popular FE framework and it’s pretty popular in the dotnet space too.
If you have 9 years experience I don’t think it’ll take you as long as you think to become proficient in that stack. If you don’t have a JS background or don’t feel strong enough in it I can not recommend this course enough:
JS is confusing if you’re coming from a C# background. That course will get you up and going fast, especially if you’re an experienced programmer.
You’ll also probably want to learn some TypeScript and you’ll probably grok it faster than people coming from dynamic, loosely typed languages. A lot of similar concepts in C# are in TS.
TS is a lot more flexible as a type system though, as it’s intended to type JavaScript so you’re going to have your mind blown a little bit, but in a good way.
Hope that helps!
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