Hello campers,
Long time camper, first time poster.
A month and half ago some friends and I decided to make remix of Humans of New York, but for the Free Code Camp community. That is, a website where campers could share their personal stories.
I’ve been greatly inspired by Quincy Larson’s medium post a month-or-so ago where he mentioned over 5,000 people have gotten jobs from Free Code Camp.
We wanted to improve our skills as well. When I started leading this project, I was really intimidated by the API microservice projects, but to accomplish this website, I had to learn mongoose, passport, and really take a good look at the documentation for express. We also had to use some libraries on the FCC program, like React and Redux.
I was able to learn about the amazing experience that is pair programming, with someone I met in the cohorts: @codejunky. He and I probably pair programmed for 50–60 hours, and we got to learn so much together. If anyone is curious about it, the cohort is a great place to find pair partners. (There have recently been two great medium articles on the benefits of pair programming, but you can imagine how double the brain power and a partner to challenge and encourage you can be super beneficial)
This project is a work in progress — it’s the beta’s beta. It took a lot of work to get it to this point, and it can definitely grow to be more with your help. If you want to contribute, or you want to learn about the libraries used, I can probably make some time to personally walk you through the code.
A huge thank you to everyone who was involved in this project, from helping motivate others to sharing stories to coding and designing — this project would never have gotten this far without the help and input of dozens of people. Thanks to everyone who has worked hard on this project (there are so many and we’ll give a proper shout-out in the medium article we write).
This is a work in progress, and we’ve got a LONG list of bugs and things we want to fix (ex. making it not-frustrating to try to post a picture and paragraph breaks in the story snippets), so please feel free to leave any feedback and let us know if you want to help with anything — or even better, make a pull request.
Please check it out!
Github Repo: