Not being given a job

Been stuck in unemployment so far in my life. I’m turning 26 this year so need some help if possible.

My CV:

My LinkedIn: LinkedIn profile

I have 3 certs as you can see on my CV. I will be getting the Security+ next and then the CCNA.

My degree is part time, and I’ve already completed one year. You can see I also have 2 college diplomas which one of them is in IT.

I’m self taught in coding. I know JavaScript, Python, Html & Css, React, Express and Node, etc.

Obviously I’ve worked on and off for these past 8 years doing various temporary assignments through agencies that provided part time roles. I don’t really count this as being “employed” though. It was just part time work I’ve accumulated for pocket money while I’ve searched for a full time job.

8 years and still going through the same circle. While everyone else has moved on in life I barely get to leave my own bedroom that I grew up in.

I had a recruiter call me up the other day and call me a “senior IT engineer”, told me I looked fairly advanced and asked why I’m applying for an entry level role. And then she realised I’ve not yet been given any full time work.

Had an interview a week ago which I managed to make direct contact with an employer but heard nothing back. The recruiter passed my CV onto a company but so far have not had any invite for an interview

I’m applying for helpdesk jobs, technical support engineer jobs, junior developer jobs, etc.

Always told I look really good and that I’m a perfect candidate but not sure if that’s just recruiters scheming some way to get me on their radar, but at the same time I’m ticking off everything in almost every job description I apply for.

I’ve been with the job center for about a year now. Been on and off with them throughout the past 8 years. They put me on an additional programme which has professionals help me out more than the job center could but idk

What should I do. Not to be too depressing but my parents are getting older, I have no savings, and obviously no money to move out and do anything with my life.

none of this really makes any sense. i just dont get it

So… what now?


General advice would be focus on one. Casting a wide net like this isn’t very effective. Decide what job you actually want to do and pursue that 100%, and design your cv around it.

and don’t go into great detail about non-relevant jobs like bartender on the cv. No need for the bullet points on those jobs.

Focus on your relevant skills, qualifications and projects.

If you want to be a developer, your cv needs to look like that of a developer.


if your previous experience is not relevant for the job you are applying to, you should put in evidence what is relevant, and reduce the space occupied by not relevant experience, this means you could have multiple versions of your CV

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If your temp assignments are more relevant to the roles you want then you should put these on your CV to show your experience. You can put during X and Y period you have undertaken various temporary assignments and then summarise a few them them, with name of the company, what you did etc. If you worked through an agency you can also include the agency’s name.

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Understand what you mean by not going into detail about non-relevant jobs, but like I mentioned I’ve never been given any relevant full-time job in my life. It’s all I have, and it’s what employers are just going to have to accept because otherwise my CV would be blank and that won’t help much either.

Yes, casting a wide net may not be very effective, however all of those jobs are in the field of IT and I have skills for all of them. IT helpdesk and technical support engineer jobs are kind of the same thing but worded differently anyway.

The developer stuff I apply to here and there but I tried for over a year to get one and wasn’t even replied to by any employer. So I’m focused on helpdesk for now.

On a side note, I just got rejected for that interview I had. Guy said my ambitions lie more in IT, and that apparently working customer support for an IT company isn’t the kind of role I’m suited for long term? That just doesn’t make any sense. I knew he was going to send the rejection email between 3-5pm today as well, because they’re always cowards and want to hide over the weekend from any feedback requests. I’m too used to this lol

Might be given an interview through that recruiter, we’ll see. But there will probably be some other excuse as to why I can’t be hired, and no real reason for it explained to me?

I have a CV with that info that I give to recruiters upon request. Most of those temp assignments were warehouse and they have no need to see that, but some ask for it.

mhm ive already done this as stated just above.

Not in the CV you posted, Bartender or Waiter don’t fit any of the roles you are applying for, they don’t need the bullet points.
For a IT role, the Sign Manufacturer role can be one, if you remove the first 3 bullet points and expand on the fourth.
You are giving half of the space to things that are not relevant

The role was mainly warehouse. It was just something small to add so there isnt much to expand upon. I cant remove any bullet points otherwise my CV will be blank.

Anyway I’ve expanded my search radius for the first time in a while. I don’t see how that will change anything but will provide me with more postings to click apply on

did you do any experience, even volunteering, with the certifications or the stuff you are learning with your degree?

Trying to get into IT in the UK is hard, Look at me for example, I wanted to do it, but i turned out to become an Advanced care Clinician with the London Ambulance Service, make you CV more focused on IT if that’s what you want to do. If that’s the case get rid of the waiter, and Bartender jobs you’ve had. Make the CV more IT focused, and if that doesn’t work, look towards more small company’s who are willing to hire you, work there for a few years, save up until you have enough, and try to get in to a big corporation like Oxford Instruments for an example.

tried volunteering for both it support and coding, and got rejected for both. i did work experience and volunteered in a charity shop when i was around 17 but have that on my other cv that recruiters can request for

do your volunteering contributing to open source projects (freeCodeCamp or any other), you can put that as experience, It will take time from now, but it counts

i cant replace bartending and waiting. theyre the best jobs ive had and my cv would be blank without them. there is literally nothing to put in their place. 2/3 of my cv is covered in IT related things anyway.

also, im getting interviews here and there but am rejected after interviews, so dont think its my cv. even the recruiter who called me said i was really advanced and confirmed i wanted to apply for entry level

im also looking at loads of small companies. the one who rejected me was quite small.

im not really focused on contributing to code right now as am working on my security+ and ccna, plus doing 3 modules at once rn with my degree. but yes that is something i can do in future but i dont think it will make an employer finally hire me

Look on Indeed for IT jobs, that need people with your experience, and who are small, but are big enough for you to be able to save up money, to move out, ect.

I found one, that seems good, pay is about £25,712 a year, except it’s at Ark Workplace Risk Warnford Court, London, so I don’t know how you would feel about that but, It seems good, great people, benifits include
27 days annual leave plus bank holidays, rising with each year of service up to 30 days after 3-years’ service,

  • Full office closure between Christmas and New Year.

Now I’m not telling you to take it, but I’m just giving you an idea of what’s on Indeed UK, with salaries.

Do you have the link, because I will take anything lol. I’ve been applying around that area anyway

@OcelotCardinal Yeah here you go mate.

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It’s full time also so.