Been stuck in unemployment so far in my life. I’m turning 26 this year so need some help if possible.
My CV:
My LinkedIn: LinkedIn profile
I have 3 certs as you can see on my CV. I will be getting the Security+ next and then the CCNA.
My degree is part time, and I’ve already completed one year. You can see I also have 2 college diplomas which one of them is in IT.
I’m self taught in coding. I know JavaScript, Python, Html & Css, React, Express and Node, etc.
Obviously I’ve worked on and off for these past 8 years doing various temporary assignments through agencies that provided part time roles. I don’t really count this as being “employed” though. It was just part time work I’ve accumulated for pocket money while I’ve searched for a full time job.
8 years and still going through the same circle. While everyone else has moved on in life I barely get to leave my own bedroom that I grew up in.
I had a recruiter call me up the other day and call me a “senior IT engineer”, told me I looked fairly advanced and asked why I’m applying for an entry level role. And then she realised I’ve not yet been given any full time work.
Had an interview a week ago which I managed to make direct contact with an employer but heard nothing back. The recruiter passed my CV onto a company but so far have not had any invite for an interview
I’m applying for helpdesk jobs, technical support engineer jobs, junior developer jobs, etc.
Always told I look really good and that I’m a perfect candidate but not sure if that’s just recruiters scheming some way to get me on their radar, but at the same time I’m ticking off everything in almost every job description I apply for.
I’ve been with the job center for about a year now. Been on and off with them throughout the past 8 years. They put me on an additional programme which has professionals help me out more than the job center could but idk
What should I do. Not to be too depressing but my parents are getting older, I have no savings, and obviously no money to move out and do anything with my life.
none of this really makes any sense. i just dont get it
So… what now?