One step away from Markdown Page

Hi all, i’m working on Markdown Challenge, honestly im following the fcc video on youtube at this link, but even with the solution on my face i have problem lol. here s my codepen project the error is: Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag. Did you want a JSX fragment <>…</>? (25:4)
But just dont know what it means with this enclosing tag, the divs in the return are all closed. don’t know why i came accross this problem, hoping for a hint!

UPDATE: there was a closing div (</div) that i had to delete, done, but the code doesn’t work anyway. i thought i did everything equal to your video, but it still dont works. hope for your opinion

Hey there!

When I open the browser console in your CodePen, I see the following error:

marked is not a function - When I fix this, the HTML renders properly.

As a side note, I’d like to provide a friendly reminder of our Academic Honesty Policy. Specifically:

“Aside from using open source libraries such as jQuery and Bootstrap, and short snippets of code which are clearly attributed to their original author, 100% of the code in my projects was written by me, or along with another person going through the freeCodeCamp curriculum with whom I was pair programming in real time.”

Following along with a video can be a helpful learning tool, but please ensure that the project you submit for your certification is your own code. :slightly_smiling_face:

ok, its all clear!! :slight_smile:

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