Passing Values to Functions with Arguments help

Tell us what’s happening:

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// Example
function ourFunctionWithArgs(a, b) {
  console.log(a - b);
ourFunctionWithArgs(10, 5); // Outputs 5

// Only change code below this line.
function functionWithArgs(one, two) {
  console.log(one + two);

functionWithArgs(7 + 9);

Cant figure out whats wrong with this, looked up the hint but that didnt help much. looked to similar threads but couldnt find my solution
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Link to the challenge:

Look at how the sample passes two arguments. How many arguments is your call to functionWithArgs() getting?

Notice the pattern:

ourFunctionWithArgs(a, b) {};
ourFunctionWithArgs(10, 5);

functionWithArgs(one, two) {};
functionWithArgs(7 + 9);

One of these things is not like the others, one of these things is not the same…


Drat!! Now i got that song stuck in my head!

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thanks bro. have a good one