Periodic Table Database - Build a Periodic Table Database

Tell us what’s happening:
There’s a task in this challenge which says " If you run ./ 1 , ./ H , or ./ Hydrogen , it should output only The element with atomic number 1 is Hydrogen (H). It's a nonmetal, with a mass of 1.008 amu. Hydrogen has a melting point of -259.1 celsius and a boiling point of -252.9 celsius."

This is the only task that im unable to complete i dont know why.

Here’s my line of code to get this:

echo “The element with atomic number $ATOMIC_NUMBER is $NAME ($SY). It’s a $TYPE, with a mass of $ATOMIC_MASS amu. $NAME has a melting point of $MPC celsius and a boiling point of $BPC celsius.”

The task below this is passing: " If you run ./ script with another element as input, you should get the same output but with information associated with the given element. "

it doesn’t make sense why the former isnt passing. I have attached a ss of the output in the terminal below.

Your code so far

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Challenge: Periodic Table Database - Build a Periodic Table Database

Link to the challenge:

Still having issues with this? Is your code available somewhere to review? The output looks good unless possibly there is an extra space on the end. Does it work with numbers and names as arguments as well?