Placement of <header> and <nav>

Hi there,
I’ve just started working on the Technical Documentation Page challenge and have a question regarding the <header> and <nav> tags.

For the <header> tag, it says on Developer Mozilla that

The HTML element represents introductory content, typically a group of introductory or navigational aids. It may contain some heading elements but also other elements like a logo, a search form, an author name, and so on.

Given that the <header> can include navigational aids which I take that to mean nav links, I see that there are examples from various sources showing the <nav> tag nested inside the <header> such as this from W3C:

    <h1>Little Green Guys With Guns</h1>

Yet in the example pen for the documentation challenge, I see the <header> inside <nav> like so:

<nav id="navbar">
  <header>JS Documentation</header>
    <a class="nav-link" href="#Introduction">

Is that generally the practice too, to nest <header> inside <nav>?


Since <header> is supposed to be used in a sectioning element, and <nav> is a sectioning element, you can nest <header> inside a <nav>

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I see… Thanks for clearing that up. :slight_smile: