EDIT! This is no longer an issue a friendly camper here helped me! Thanks!
Hello! I’ve been working on my technical documentation page for quite some time now, I have started over about 10 times and was ready to give up…but I didn’t, it was a spelling mistake all along. Now, I can’t figure out what I’m missing or if it’s just semantics (?) in the user stories - I am failing #3, and #4 … and am ready to really give up! Here is my pen …
Thank you in advance.
I will check if i can fix the code. Don’t give up on it
@passive thank you! I know, giving up is not an option!!
My first observation:I think it should look like this:
<section class="main-section" id="web_technologies">
<header> blah blah </header>
I mean the user story 3
ok, let me try that out…
How goes it? You’re still experiencing the same?
Again, you weren’t asked to include main-section to the anchor tags.
The main-section should only be a class name and not an ID
That worked and now I’m passing all tests! Just have to update my css! Thank You!!!
All these little mistakes caused those tests not to pass.
yes, I understand about small mistakes… the reason the main-section is in the anchor tags is because it woudn’t pass the nav-link tests! Maybe I’m stupid, but I’ve only started learning. Thank you for your help.
I’m glad you have all tests passing. Keep it up