I am sorry if I am missing the obvious. I am done with the responsive web design (Step 1 in my new journey of learning coding as a total newbie) and now starting projects. Projet 1: Tribute page.
I do not understand how codepen works. I mean, I see it and it seems self-explanatory as to what happens, but not HOW it happens. I dont see my I know it tells you that they do that “for you” but then I am confused as it seems I a not seeing all the code, or is there NO <!DOCTYPE…> because of the program? Or am I understanding something wrong here? Thanks, I am a noob…
If there is an article or something I am missing, please let me know. Probably, as I go, I will understand just by working but I am supposed to create a page, and at first I was going to publish it on my own domain, but then it says “use CodePen.io” so I will use that. But can I also use another source or is passing the test onlx possible with the .io app? Thanks