Portfolio and Resume reviews

I found FCC sometimes last year, after a couple weeks of studying and working full-time, my passion for coding got stronger and i figured i wasn’t exploring my potential nor putting in the work/time.
Fast forward to January 2019, i quit my full time job, enrolled in a coding bootcamp, graduated in April and now its time to put my skills to work.
I’m currently looking for a job, and have built a portfolio. I would appreciate any comment and feedback on the portfolio, my projects, resume or anything else that could help in my search for a job.


There’s a link to my resume on the page.


It looks good for me. The only observation is about the background image: it seems a little bit distorted to me.

You need links to the live project in your portfolio in addition to the GitHub links. I tried clicking the header, the GitHub link , and the thumbnail and still can’t find the live project.

I’d also try and make the designs of your sites look more aesthetically pleasing.

Also, since you are “fullstack”, I’d build at least one more complex site than the ones you have. Maybe sub out CoinTown or EagleSquare for that project.

Thanks guy, i have some ongoing projects i will add to it when they’re done.

That’s an impressive list of skills. I think it would be ideal to feature projects that used most of the skills listed (so employers can see you know how to the each skill if they are looking for a specific one). I’d say you have room for another project or 2 since you only have three so far.

As for aesthetics for your site. The color layout seems bland for my taste ( I find the white background too monotonous), the color scheme seems inconsistent (blue/green and yellow nav, green icons/buttons, and red buttons/highlights), and the layout seems crowded in areas (skills icons can use some padding between them, text for contact links could use some space between them and the icons). I feel the say way about your projects - maybe you can use Bootstrap to liven up the styling of those if you don’t want to invest time into designing them from scratch.

Besides those, I agree with previous posters that the background image looks blurry and unattractively skewed, and that there should be links to live demos for the projects (easy enough to add a button to the left of your GitHub project links).

Hope this info helps Buddy! I think if you can present the skill set you claim to have attractively, you’ll have better chances than most who don’t have as many skills under their belt.