Hello campers,
I finished my first version of the portfolio page and would appreciate your feedback/criticism or advcie what to do/not to do. Thank you for your time and code on!
P.S.Since codepen is only front-end I could not make a fully working contact form. Also the parallax effect only works on the desktop version.
Good job. Instead of using flat green background; see if you can do anything more creative.
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Its cool! Now can I ask something, have you used libraries to add those parallax effect? and what fonts did you used in your project?
edit, forget about the fonts
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Thank you for your feedback. I wanted to ask if you are talking about the green in the nav bar, the projects and the contact form or?
Thank you for your time. The parallax effect I did using only CSS. When I added the background, I made the size - cover, no-repeat and the height to 100% but the thing that does the trick is background-attachment: fixed; Cheers.