Portfolio Page - want some feedback

Hey guys!
I"ve recently finished the Portfolio Page project and with it the Responsive Web Design course.
I’m really happy about it haha.

I wanted some feedback about it. I feel like I’ve become a lot better at it, but there’s still a lot of room for improvement.

I’m really not sure about the color on the Contacts section. Any suggestions?
Also, for some reason all the items on my navbar get squeezed to the left side when I access it on mobile, but it works fine on my PC. If anyone can give any idea about what may be causing it I would be really thankful.

Thanks in advance guys!

The link: https://codepen.io/Navarrox/full/qBBdRRz

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Maybe you could provide us with a link to your code.

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Sorry! Edited the original post to include a link to oy

Not too bad. Perhaps some content in the section that reads “This is the footer” ?