Looking for some feedback on my portfolio page!
I know I can make this look much better with javascript, but sticking to HTML and CSS for now.
Thanks a ton!
Looking for some feedback on my portfolio page!
I know I can make this look much better with javascript, but sticking to HTML and CSS for now.
Thanks a ton!
This is a great portfolio. I love your logo. Looks great on all screen sizes.
Thanks a ton! I expect it to grow a ton as I learn more - do you recommend keeping the same general theme?
Wow - I LOVE IT!!! It looks really great, it’s mobile responsive, I love the GIF logo, and the other websites you link to also look great! The picture of you is a little blurry, but other than that; I think you have great potential as a web developer.
It looks great
your tech documentation page links to the survey form
could use a more focused picture of you
Thank you so much! Yeah, I do need to find a new image to upload.
Thanks - agreed, the picture should be better. And fixed that, it now links to the tech page. Thank you!