Possible error in a CSS Flexbox challenge

I’m going through the challenges in CSS Flexbox, and came across this:

CSS Flexbox: Use the flex-wrap Property to Wrap a Row or Column

  • wrap : wraps items from left-to-right if they are in a row, or top-to-bottom if they are in a column.
  • wrap-reverse : wraps items from bottom-to-top if they are in a row, or right-to-left if they are in a column.

I thought it’s strange, since the values should be reversed, not swapped; so I looked around online, and I think the values are incorrect. I think the correct way to put this is:

  • wrap : wraps items from left-to-right if they are in a row, or top-to-bottom if they are in a column.
  • wrap-reverse : wraps items from right-to-left if they are in a row, or bottom-to-top if they are in a column.

Please, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
Just trying to help!