Problem in Vs code (Vs code Live server is not Working)

I have been trying to resolve the live server issue but I am unable to reload the page when I click on the live server icon to open the HTML and CSS code in the browser it shows this but never opens it in the browser

also, My Json setting for the live server is this if it has any issues then help me resolve this

General HTML-CSS

As far as I can tell, liveServer.settings.AdvanceCustomBrowserCmdLine expects the full path to the browser and has higher priority than liveServer.settings.CustomBrowser.

Remove that and only use liveServer.settings.CustomBrowser instead if all you give it is the browser name. Or supply the former with the full path.

Thanks for the solution but still it is not getting solve.
here is the live server config setting-

here is the another image-

here is the another image-

Try de-selecting the “No Browser” option.

Is liveServer.settings.AdvanceCustomBrowserCmdLine set to false?

Does it work with your system’s default browser if you set “Custom browser” to null?

Anyway, there are other extensions you can try. “Five Server” is a fork of Live Server, and “Live Preview” is another extension (from MS)


Thank You so much …I could not fix that live server problem, but as you said, I installed five servers, and the issues got fixed.

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