I’m trying to complete the excerices to achieve the Data Analysis certificate, but I have a lot of problems with GitPod.
The first one is that after I finished a problem - and the code worked - I copied the url on the freecodecamp page, but few hours later the link isn’t there. The project on GitPod is pinned - I’ve read the guide that suggested to do so - so I don’t know where the problem is.
The second problem is that I tried to push changes on GitPod and I thought that they were connected to my GitHub page (I’ve granted all access on GitHub), but it doesn’t work. Anyone knows how can I move the GitPod “repository” in a defined repository on GitHub? (not a new one as the guide suggests, but an already filled one)
I am not sure what you mean by this. Would you mind elaborating?
This is just how Git works. So, when you open a Gitpod workspace, it takes the repository as the current origin, and, if there is a parent of the fork repository, it makes that the upstream.
If you open the workspace on a repo you do not want your work to go to, you need to point Git where you do want it by adding a remote:
Thank you for the second part!
I try to elaborate the first problem better
Once I finished the challenge on GitPod I copy the web url and copy it on the freecodecamp page for the challenge and submit. However, differently from what happend with Replit, if I go back to a challenge that I’ve completed the url attached disappear and it ask me to redo the challenge
The URLs for non-certification project submissions are NOT stored anywhere. So, that is to be expected.
You do not have to redo a challenge if you already submitted it.
For the Data Analysis certification projects, you are expected to submit a link to your CODE - not to the Gitpod instance. So, you need to upload your code somewhere public, and link to it.