Can’t seem to find an answer to this. This project needs 1. a logo 2. icons - where do we access these files? Font awesome wants an upgrade to make a kit (for icons) and as for the logo - seems like you have to design and upload. Please provide some feedback. I have been at this all day.
The Product Landing Page is a project where you’re expected to demonstrate what you have learned. FreeCodeCamp doesn’t provide you with any resources, the idea is that you build the project as if a client asked you to build it.
For instance, imagine a company that sells pre built houses asks you to build their products landing page, that’s what you’re expected to do; how do you present the products, how do you layout the images, the colors, the responsiveness, etc.
You can use free images on the internet to build your project
Hi. Thank you for the feedback. I assumed that. I didn’t know I could use free images from the internet. Thanks for that tip.
You can just use a CDN for font awesome and unsplash is a good site to get free images.
thank you. I really appreciate you doing this.
“Download Font Awesome Free or Pro for the Web or Desktop | Font Awesome” You can find free and pro.
For a custom logo or icon, you can learn and make it yourself with “Inkscape”. It’s free and open-source. Download Inkscape 1.2.1 | Inkscape
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