Project #2: Building a survey (display: grid approach)

Hello Campers,

One of the struggles I had is making a separation between questions. The solution to this was using “display: grid:” which let me specify grid-gap and width. I still do not understand why this works. I do not see any “grid” in my survey.

Spoiler Alert: This code will pass all tests (I have not done the CSS part)


  form {

    grid-gap: 5px;
    color: white;
    background-color: black;


  .background1 {

    background-color: black;

  h1 {



    <html class= "background1">
    <h1 id= "title">What is your favorite TV show?</h1>

    <p id= "description"> There are many TV shows in all kinds of platforms: HBO,
        Netflix, Hulu etc. Please answer the following questions.</p>

        <form id= "survey-form" action="/submit-TV-show">

            <label for= "name" id= "name-label">1- Enter your name: </label>
            <input id="name" type="text" name= "the name" placeholder="Name here" required><br>

            <label for= "email" id= "email-label">2- Enter your email: </label>
            <input id= "email" type= "email" name= "the email" placeholder= "Email here"required

            <label for= "age" id="number-label">3- Enter your age:</label>
            <input id= "number" type= "number" name="the age" min= "6" max="120" placeholder= "Age Here"required><br>

            <label for= "dropdown" id= "dropdown-label">Which is your favorite show?</label>
            <select id="dropdown">
              <option value= "1">Game of Thrones</option>
              <option value= "2">Breaking Bad</option>
              <option value= "3">Better Call Saul</option>
              <option value= "4">Money Heist</option>
              <option value= "5">Walking Dead</option>
              <option value= "6">Dexter</option>

            <label for="beginnig_radio" id=" ask_platform">What is your prefered show platform?</label>

            <label for='platform'><input id="netflix" type= "radio" name="Different_Platforms" value= "Netflix">Netflix</label>
            <label for='platform'><input id="hulu" type= "radio" name= "Different_Platforms" value= "Hulu">Hulu</label>

              <label for='platform'><input id="HBO" type= "radio" name="Different_Platforms" value= "HBO">HBO</label>
              <label for='platform'><input id="Amazon" type= "radio" name= "Different_Platforms" value= "Amazon">Amazon</label><br>

              <label for="beginnig_checkbox" id=" ask_device">What kind of device you use to stream your shows?</label>
              <label for="desktop"><input id="desktop" type="checkbox" name="device" value="Desktop"> Desktop</label>
              <label for="tablet"><input id="tablet" type="checkbox" name="device" value="Tablet"> Tablet</label>
              <label for="laptop"><input id="laptop" type="checkbox" name="device" value="Laptop"> Laptop</label>
              <label for="cellphone"><input id="cellphone" type="checkbox" name="device" value="Cellphone"> Cellphone</label><br>

    <textarea style= "height:30px;" rows="100" cols="250" placeholder= "Additional comments"></textarea><br>

    <button id= "submit" type="submit">Submit</button>






Hello Campers,

I have noticed that all the requirements that project 2 specifies are inside “form” my issue with this is that if you create a class for form {} every single element will inherit the class I have created. What if I want to change the size of the i.e. submit button? (which is inside form) I tried to create an individual class and specify the class inline of the submit button and it did not work. The “form” class overrides it.

**Spoiler Alert: This code will pass all tests (I have not done the CSS part yet) **


  form {

    grid-gap: 5px;
    color: white;
    background-color: black;


  .background1 {

    background-color: black;

  h1 {



    <html class= "background1">
    <h1 id= "title">What is your favorite TV show?</h1>

    <p id= "description"> There are many TV shows in all kinds of platforms: HBO,
        Netflix, Hulu etc. Please answer the following questions.</p>

        <form id= "survey-form" action="/submit-TV-show">

            <label for= "name" id= "name-label">1- Enter your name: </label>
            <input id="name" type="text" name= "the name" placeholder="Name here" required><br>

            <label for= "email" id= "email-label">2- Enter your email: </label>
            <input id= "email" type= "email" name= "the email" placeholder= "Email here"required

            <label for= "age" id="number-label">3- Enter your age:</label>
            <input id= "number" type= "number" name="the age" min= "6" max="120" placeholder= "Age Here"required><br>

            <label for= "dropdown" id= "dropdown-label">Which is your favorite show?</label>
            <select id="dropdown">
              <option value= "1">Game of Thrones</option>
              <option value= "2">Breaking Bad</option>
              <option value= "3">Better Call Saul</option>
              <option value= "4">Money Heist</option>
              <option value= "5">Walking Dead</option>
              <option value= "6">Dexter</option>

            <label for="beginnig_radio" id=" ask_platform">What is your prefered show platform?</label>

            <label for='platform'><input id="netflix" type= "radio" name="Different_Platforms" value= "Netflix">Netflix</label>
            <label for='platform'><input id="hulu" type= "radio" name= "Different_Platforms" value= "Hulu">Hulu</label>

              <label for='platform'><input id="HBO" type= "radio" name="Different_Platforms" value= "HBO">HBO</label>
              <label for='platform'><input id="Amazon" type= "radio" name= "Different_Platforms" value= "Amazon">Amazon</label><br>

              <label for="beginnig_checkbox" id=" ask_device">What kind of device you use to stream your shows?</label>
              <label for="desktop"><input id="desktop" type="checkbox" name="device" value="Desktop"> Desktop</label>
              <label for="tablet"><input id="tablet" type="checkbox" name="device" value="Tablet"> Tablet</label>
              <label for="laptop"><input id="laptop" type="checkbox" name="device" value="Laptop"> Laptop</label>
              <label for="cellphone"><input id="cellphone" type="checkbox" name="device" value="Cellphone"> Cellphone</label><br>

    <textarea style= "height:30px;" rows="100" cols="250" placeholder= "Additional comments"></textarea><br>

    <button id= "submit" type="submit">Submit</button>






Please do not create duplicate topics for the same challenge/project question(s). This duplicate topic has been merged.

Thank you.


I am not trying to break the rules here. There are from the same project that is correct but they are different topics. One of them is about “display: grid” and the other one talks about “widths being same under form”. What do you mean by duplicate? and also if I would like to merge two duplicate topics how do I do that? or where can I find how to do it?


No worries with it. I merged them, because they are about the same project, and contain the same code (duplicate). We try to keep the forum free from clutter, as much as possible.

As for merging topics: it is an admin tool. So, I do not think you can, right now.