I just finished my portfolio page and would like some feedback please.
I am particularly interested in one specific area. When I was making my project cards I decided I would use grid to line them up on the page. This lead me to encountering the following problems:
The cards don’t resize properly. I have tried to just set a min-width on them but that would result with them overlaping with each other. The solution I came with was to just hard code them to be 300px wide. What would be the proper way of listing them instead?
I also wanted to center the grid to the screen, but I could not make justify-content work on them. I ended up just giving the entire grid a margin-left value to somewhat center it. This works… somewhat but it seems so hacky and makes me feel dirty. So, again how would you approach this the proper way?
Of course, I want to hear input on anything else you guys notice too. Thank you so much for checking my code and a special thanks to both @miku86 and @Roma who have helped me along my journey to this final project with their criticism of my previews projects. You guys really helped.