Random quote machine tweet not updating

Hi all,

I’m working on the random quote machine and am getting stuck on the tweet button. It will populate the tweet with the default text but won’t update with the new quotes. Any advice on what is a good method for rewriting this code/ resources to understand the problem better would be greatly appreciated.

As an aged nebie, I got stuck on this for couple of months. Heres an extract from my article in Medium.

Two months later, twin-1 was visiting. I mentioned that I had not done any work on the course for 2 months as I was stuck.

He looked at the code.
“HTML can not refresh by itself, Dad!! You have to do it.”
“How do I do that?”
“Javascript has to do it”
“But… I am doing it”
“No. Do it again. using getElementById()”

Thank you for the advice, and for the link! Very cool article, and just what I was looking for. I think spending some more time understanding ajax is probably in order as well.

It’s awesome that you are learning new skills and staying active, very inspiring for other newbies like myself!