Recommendations of courses to really get you started on the job market

Hey guys, I haven’t been around here for a while but came to ask for some help.
I live in Europe, and I have studied for almost 2 years on my own, through freeCodeCamp, Codacademy, and several other plataforms. I have a great base of frontend and backend, with skills like JavaScript, Python, React, Node, HTML5, CSS, databases, etc. I wanted now to sign up for a real course, where I could really learn how to put those skills to practice in the real world, and land my first developing job. I think a trusted certificate, and some more real life lessons would help me with that. Has anyone ever taken one that they would recommend (it doesn’t need to be free)? I am open to any other suggestions or opportunities, those will be highly appreciated. freeCodeCamp is where it all started for me, so I thought it would be nice to come back and ask for directions. Thank you so much.

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which part of Europe are you from? Check if your country has a similar job training program we have in Germany: Fachinformatiker (three year training that pays a salary). Can be roughly translated to Certified IT Specialist.

This or a CS degree is safest way into software development right now. Self-taught, online certified and bootcamp graduates will need luck and persistence to land a job in the current market. No matter which course you take, it’s pretty rough.


Thank you for the tip. I currently live in Lisbon. I will definitely search for similar programs here, but I also intend to move to Munich soon, which means I might be able to find something in Germany itself. My level of German is still basic though, so I dont know how much of a problem that could be. Where in Germany are you? Thanks again for helping.

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  • How many projects did you build ?

  • Can you share your github profile to showcase those projects ?

  • What matters in job market is complexity of projects built and its frequency

Coding & committing code to GitHub is like heartbeat, it must be done everyday without fail.

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