Relational database curriculum

Hi, since saturday 13/05 I cannot load the remote environment for relational database course, any of them.
the starting virtual server is running forever. I am using Chrome Version 113.0.5672.93

please let me know if there is some outage.


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I have same shit… :expressionless:

then we should wait and do another thing

Even i am face same issue since morning

I have noticed that these courses are often running pretty slowly lately, both when loading up the courses and also when running tests within them.

However, even when I get stuck at the ‘Starting Virtual Server’ step, the course generally loads within 2-3 minutes. Sometimes opening up another tab and trying to load up a new course can help it get ‘unstuck’.

I also have some workarounds for anyone who is stuck with persistently failing tests but correct code.

it loaded now, what are the workarounds when failing tests but correct or at least functional code?

It depends on the case. If you experience a specific problem with tests failing when your code is correct, share your code and I’ll have a look for you.

for example this one Salon DataBase Bug - #3 by Nicvietri

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