(Responsive)Portfolio Web page

Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage i have created my project properly.But User story#8 and story#10 still showing error.Kindly please help.


your first one is failing because you have the target wrong on your link so you need target="_blank" with an underscore.
your second one is failing because you have a padding top on your welcome section so its not the same height as the view port.

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  1. You have to remove id="profile-link" from the div container, otherwise, the test will look at the wrong element.

  2. You have an invalid value for box-sizing (that should fix the welcome section height test)

You have:

box-sizing: borderbox;

Should be:

box-sizing: border-box;

  1. I would suggest using background-size: cover; for the #welcome-section
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Good call on the <div> tag. I was trying to figure out which one had to be removed.

@rajeshkumar1 I edited your codepen and made some modifications. Also added comments and commented out some stuff. Use this as a reference. https://codepen.io/mikeboutros/full/LYPJOod

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Thank you so much for help me to solved the error.

Thank you so much for help me to solved the error.now did it.

Thank you so much for help me to solved the error.I was confused ,Now i did it

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