Hi everyone,
I am trying to implement a Hidden Markov Model using tensorflow as in the lectures in order to pass the RPS project.
The issue came when I try to import ‘tensorflow’ and ‘tensorflow_probabilities’ inside Repl.it. I have tried to modify the ‘poetry.lock’ and ‘pyproject.toml’ to avoid loading version ‘4.2.1’ (tensorflow) because inside python3.8 there is already a version ‘2.2.0’ (tensorflow). However, I haven’t been able to solve it.
Any idea how to solve this?
Thank you in advance.
Here is the error
Repl.it: Updating package configuration
→ python3 -m poetry add tensorflow
Using version ^2.4.1 for tensorflow
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies…
Package operations: 7 installs, 6 updates, 0 removals
- Updating cachetools (4.2.1 → 4.2.2)
- Updating google-auth (1.29.0 → 1.30.0)
- Updating grpcio (1.37.0 → 1.32.0)
- Updating numpy (1.20.2 → 1.19.5)
- Installing tensorboard-data-server (0.6.0)
- Installing cloudpickle (1.6.0)
- Installing decorator (5.0.7)
- Installing dm-tree (0.1.6)
- Installing flatbuffers (1.12)
- Updating tensorboard (2.2.2 → 2.5.0)
- Updating tensorflow-estimator (2.2.0 → 2.4.0)
- Installing tensorflow (2.4.1)
Command [’/opt/virtualenvs/python3/bin/pip’, ‘install’, ‘–no-deps’, ‘tensorflow==2.4.1’] errored with the following return code -9, and output:
Collecting tensorflow==2.4.1
exit status 1
Repl.it: Package operation failed.
Your code so far
Inside of RPS.py:
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
import tensorflow as tf
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