I just cant pass any Test please help me ?
I am really frustrated, been trying hours to figure it out , (not like you should study , but even tried other peoples solutions after hours of failure )
Can you please have a look and tell me what’s wrong and why it is not passing the any of the tests ?
here is the Link: https://repl.it/@Levo96/Quality-Assurance-and-Testing-with-Chai-Basics#tests/2_functional-tests.js
I recommend you redo the lessons from that point. Do be careful, the tests (fCC) for the above mentioned lesson are very lax (will pass with almost anything)
const browser = new Browser();
suiteSetup(function(done) {
return browser.visit('/', done);
suite("Functional Tests with Zombie.js", function () {
suite('"Famous Italian Explorers" form', function () {
// #5
Here are the instructions (read them carefully):
Within tests/2_functional-tests.js , at the root level of the 'Functional Tests with Zombie.js' suite, instantiate a new instance of the Browser object with the following code:
const browser = new Browser();
Then, use the suiteSetup hook to direct the browser to the / route with the following code: