Final Two Tasks in Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai Won't Pass FCC Tests

Tell us what’s happening:
I cannot get the tests to pass for the final two tasks in the Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai section. The tests all pass locally for both tasks, but when I submit to FCC they fail.

I have seen other people mention issues with quotes around the assertion and I have tried multiple version with no success.

I have also checked my code against the hints and they match.

These are the last things I need to complete for the Quality Assurance Certification.

Any help would be appreciated.

Your code so far

My code in

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Run Functional Tests using a Headless Browser


Run Functional Tests using a Headless Browser II

Link to the challenge:


I have previously submitted this issue to the forum.

Apparently there is a known issue with them so we have to wait.

Also can I ask you something if you don’t mind? How did you pass the last 2 automated tests in the american-british translator project?

I have a working project that passes all the tests locally, but freecodecamp automated tester sees 0 tests for some reason.

Hello there,

@ofk8vb is correct. There was an issue with the boilerplate, and testing code.

This should be fixed. However, this will require you to use the updated boilerplate code.

Hope this helps


Also can I ask you something if you don’t mind? How did you pass the last 2 automated tests in the american-british translator project?

I have a working project that passes all the tests locally, but freecodecamp automated tester sees 0 tests for some reason.

I had the same issue. I had to create the .env with NODE_ENV=test and also change the test command in the package.json to remove the timeout. After that everything worked.

From "test": "mocha --timeout 5000 --require @babel/register --recursive --exit --ui tdd tests/"

To "test": "mocha --require @babel/register --recursive --exit --ui tdd tests/"


Do you know if this is already fixed or is it coming? I tried copying my test code into a new repl clone from the link in the task, but I still see the same issue.

I am not sure.
Challenges are not required for getting the certification so I skipped them, and got the certificate without completing the last two challenges.

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This should be fixed. Ensure you have not changed the headings of the tests and suites.

When I look at your code:

// #5
		test('submit "surname" : "Polo" - write your e2e test...', function(done) {
  			browser.fill('surname', 'Colombo').pressButton('submit', function() {

Compared to the updated boilerplate:

// #5
    test('submit "surname" : "Colombo" - write your e2e test...', function (done) {
      browser.fill("surname", "Colombo").pressButton("submit", function () {

Oh, just checked github so the updated boilerplate just replace “e2e Testing with Zombie.js” with “Functional Tests. with Zombie.js” in suite. For those who read this and still use the old boilerplate, just replace that and no need to create the new one. Thank you

@ofk8vb @IndraSubagja @Sky020


Challenges are not required for getting the certification so I skipped them, and got the certificate without completing the last two challenges.

I was able to claim the certificate without the 2 challenges like you said, but it would have bugged me so much to have them left as un-done. :joy:


Oh, just checked github so the updated boilerplate just replace “e2e Testing with Zombie.js” with “Functional Tests. with Zombie.js” in suite. For those who read this and still use the old boilerplate, just replace that and no need to create the new one. Thank you

Changing the suite name as you suggested finally got me through. :partying_face:

Thank you all for taking the time to reply.

I’m having the same issue. I know this thread is old but has this issue been resolved?

This is my live link:

Yes but I haven’t changed any headings… and the challenge I was in was #3 , not #5… I havent done Challenge #5 because challenge #3 keeps failing and wouldnt let me go to the next lesson even though all the tests have passed

Hey @synerjay ,

As this post is outdated, and your question appears to be on a different section/issue, I recommend you open a new topic. Please provide a link to your project code, as well in it.


Thanks but I did open another thread here: Uhhh.. is this a bug? - #5 by synerjay

But no one seems to know the answer in that thread. So I bumped this thread seeing how it could be a related issue