hi all,
ive made this flask-wtf form
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from wtforms import StringField, PasswordField, BooleanField, DecimalField, RadioField, SelectField, TextAreaField, FileField, SubmitField
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired, Length, DataRequired, EqualTo, Regexp, ValidationError
import re
import subprocess
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'secretkey'
class PasswordForm(FlaskForm):
un = StringField('Username', [InputRequired(message='please enter your Username')])
op = PasswordField('Current Password', [InputRequired(message='please enter your current password')])
np = PasswordField('New Password', [InputRequired(message='please enter your new password')])
cnp = PasswordField('Confirm New Password')
dom = SelectField('Domain', choices=[('lon-prod-dc01.domain.com', 'prod'), ('lon-corp-dc01.domain.com', 'corp'), ('dc01.robo84.net', 'robo84')])
def validate_un(form, field):
if not field.data == form.un.data.lower():
raise ValidationError('Username needs to be Lowercase')
def validate_np(form, field):
if form.un.data:
if any (name in field.data.lower() for name in form.un.data.split(".")):
raise ValidationError('New password cant contain firstname or lastname')
if field.data.lower() == form.op.data.lower():
raise ValidationError('New password cant match Current password')
if len(field.data) < 12:
raise ValidationError('New password must be at least 12 characters')
if not re.search(r"[0-9]", field.data):
raise ValidationError('New password has to contain one number')
if not re.search(r"[a-z]", field.data):
raise ValidationError('New password has to contain one lower case character')
if not re.search(r"[A-Z]", field.data):
raise ValidationError('New password has to contain one upper case character')
if not re.search(r"[\`\¬\!\"\£\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\_\=\+\\\|\[\]\;\'\#\,\.\/\{\}\:\@\~\<\>\?]", field.data):
raise ValidationError('New password has to contain one special character')
if not field.data == form.cnp.data:
raise ValidationError('New password has to match Confirm new password')
@app.route('/password', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def password():
form = PasswordForm()
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
return '<h1>The username is {}. The old password is {}. the new password is {}. changing for domain {}'.format(form.un.data, form.op.data, form.cnp.data, form.dom.data)
return subprocess.run('C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe ipconfig', shell=True)
return render_template('password.html', form=form)
if __name__ == '__main__':
basically if all validation pass, when they click the submit button, it will return there values for username/old password/new password and domain
this works but now i want it to also run a PS command as well ie if all validations pass and they click on the submit button
for testing im just going to run an “ipconfig” in PS but im going to change this with the “set-adaccountpassword” with the variables they entered so it changes there password for them