hello everyone so my code fails at test 8 with this error the dots seem to be alligned so i dont understand whats going wrong
y values don't line up with y locations : expected false to be true
AssertionError: y values don't line up with y locations : expected false to be true
this is how i implement yScale:
var format = d3.timeFormat('%M:%S') var parse = d3.timeParse("%M:%S") const time = dataset.map(d => parse(d["Time"]) ) yScale=d3.scaleTime().domain(d3.extent(time)).range([480,40]) const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale).tickFormat(format);
and this is how i implement the y position of the dots:
.attr("cy", (d,i) => yScale(time[i]))
my codepen link is : https://codepen.io/codeMour/pen/BaPwdZo?editors=0010