Scientific Computing with Python Projects - Time Calculator

Tell us what’s happening:


I have just completed the Time Calculator project. All results are as expected, but none of the tests will pass.

Any ideas?

Your code so far

import re

def add_time(start, duration, day = None):
    start_hour = re.findall("[0-9]+:", start)[0][:-1]
    start_minute = re.findall(":[0-9]+", start)[0][1:]
    duration_hour = re.findall("[0-9]+:", duration)[0][:-1]
    duration_minute = re.findall(":[0-9]+", duration)[0][1:]

    hours_sum = int(start_hour) + int(duration_hour)
    minutes_sum = int(start_minute) + int(duration_minute)
    start_period = re.findall("AM|PM", start, re.IGNORECASE)[0].upper()
    # convert hours
    if minutes_sum < 60:
        new_hour = hours_sum % 12
        new_hour = (hours_sum + 1) % 12

    if new_hour == 0:
        new_hour = "12"
    # convert minutes   
    new_minute = (minutes_sum) % 60
    if new_minute < 10:
        new_minute = f"0{new_minute}"

    # swap period when necessary
    if (hours_sum % 12) == 11:
        if minutes_sum >= 60:
            periods_passed = (hours_sum // 12) + 1
            periods_passed = hours_sum // 12
        periods_passed = hours_sum // 12

    if periods_passed % 2 != 0:
        if start_period == "AM":
            new_period = "PM"
            new_period = "AM"
        new_period = start_period

    # calculate days passed
    if start_period == "PM" and periods_passed % 2 != 0:
        days_passed = (periods_passed // 2) + 1
        days_passed = periods_passed // 2

    if days_passed == 0:
        days_later = 0
    elif days_passed == 1:
        days_later = "next day"
    else: days_later = f"{days_passed} days later"

    # present answer (day = None)
    if not day:
        if days_later == 0:
            print(f"{new_hour}:{new_minute} {new_period}")
            print(f"{new_hour}:{new_minute} {new_period} ({days_later})")

    # calculate new day
    days_of_week = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
    if day:
        start_day = re.findall("[a-z]+", day, re.IGNORECASE)[0].lower().capitalize()
        for weekday in days_of_week:
            if weekday == start_day:
                start_day_index = days_of_week.index(weekday)
        new_day = days_of_week[(start_day_index + days_passed) % 7]
        # present answer (day provided)
        if days_later == 0:
            print(f"{new_hour}:{new_minute} {new_period}, {new_day}")
            print(f"{new_hour}:{new_minute} {new_period}, {new_day} ({days_later})")

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Scientific Computing with Python Projects - Time Calculator


Your function needs to return the answers, not print them.

If I run this

print(add_time('6:30 PM', '205:12'))

Your function prints the result but returns None

>>> 7:42 AM (9 days later)
>>> None

D’oh, of course!

Thank you :slight_smile:

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