Scientific Computing with Python Projects - Time Calculator

In VS Code I pass all the test cases. What is wrong?

def add_time(start, duration, day = None):

    start_time, period = start.split()
    start_hour, start_minute = map(int, start_time.split(':'))

    duration_hour, duration_minute = map(int, duration.split(':'))

    #Calculate Total Mins

    TotalMins = start_hour * 60 + start_minute
    TotalMins += duration_hour * 60  + duration_minute

    #Calculate New Time

    NewHour = TotalMins // 60 % 12
    NewMin = TotalMins % 60
    new_period = period

    #calculate period
    days_later = TotalMins // (60 * 24)

    #if TotalMins // 60 >= 12:
        #new_period = 'PM' if period == 'AM' else 'AM'
        #if new_period ==  'AM':
         #   days_later = 1 

    periods_passed = 0
    if TotalMins % (12*60) >= 1:
        periods_passed = TotalMins // (12*60)     
    if periods_passed % 2 != 0:
        if period == "AM":
            new_period = "PM"
            new_period = "AM"
    if period == "PM" and periods_passed % 2 != 0:
        days_passed = (periods_passed // 2) + 1
        days_passed = periods_passed // 2

    #Calculate Days later

    if days_passed == 1:
        days_later = '(the next day)'
    elif days_passed > 1:
        days_later = f'{days_passed} days later'

    if (NewHour > 12):
        NewHour = NewHour - 12
    # Format the new time
    new_time = f"{NewHour if NewHour != 0 else 12}:{NewMin:02d} {new_period}"
    # Add 'next day' or 'n days later' if applicable
    if days_passed == 1:
        new_time =  f"{NewHour if NewHour != 0 else 12}:{NewMin:02d} {new_period} {days_later}"
    if days_passed > 1:
        new_time =  f"{NewHour if NewHour != 0 else 12}:{NewMin:02d} {new_period} ({days_passed} days later)"
    if day:
        days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
        start_day_index = days.index(day.lower().capitalize())
        new_day_index = (start_day_index + days_passed) % 7
        new_day = days[new_day_index]
        new_time =  f"{NewHour if NewHour != 0 else 12}:{NewMin:02d} {new_period}, {new_day}"
        if days_passed == 1:
            new_time =  f"{NewHour if NewHour != 0 else 12}:{NewMin:02d} {new_period}, {new_day} {days_later}"
        if days_passed > 1:
            new_time =  f"{NewHour if NewHour != 0 else 12}:{NewMin:02d} {new_period}, {new_day} ({days_passed} days later)"

    return new_time

I’ve edited your code for readability. When you enter a code block into a forum post, please precede it with a separate line of three backticks and follow it with a separate line of three backticks to make it easier to read.

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Note: Backticks (`) are not single quotes (').

when you ask for help please include also the link to the project

You are failing

Failed:Expected time to end with '(next day)' when it is the next day.

What is your output? Is it exactly like that?

I’m not sure it is

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