been hanging round here for a bit trying to learn as much as possible and i noticed there is the beta version of free code camp. right now i just started the API question in java script. html and css i learned with other videos (including what i learned here at FCC) and although i feel i understand the basics of javascript (var, loops, if else) i just got my butt kicked on the last challenge… took me hours to continuously get each problem wrong until i broke down and looked at the hints.
anyways do you think beta is worth trying out? should i make the switch or keep going with what im doing. also if you have other resources for putting knowledge into practice that would be greatly appreciated. the challenges seem like a really great way to analyze where im at, but im wondering if its not better to just bust through this stuff and get to the projects.
sorry if this is a bit rambley and all over the place, any help is appreciated!