This should be a very simple ask but it keeps telling me my JSON isn’t formatted properly which I’m very sure it is. It’s saying there is no author. Where clearly there is. I’ve tried submitting the front page and the package.json directly. No idea what I’m doing wrong.
Thanks for your reply. I can put the packages file on a webserver i own, but I’m a little unclear exactly what it needs from the stack. Can you provide more detail to make sure I get it right?
Right. Throughout the backend challenges, the tests require:
a) A live app to target/request (not a link to code/text)
b) A live backend to host/route (somewhere a node/express server can live
The tests need to be able to take the URL to a Live App:
Then, they will request from predefined endpoints:
If you are unsure how to do this, that is why the Replit link is provided to start an in-browser editor, where you can work on, and host your app.
I also tried it on Replit and get the same error ( I cloned it as suggested and updated only the package.json. Was there something else I should be doing?
I found on another thread that I have to make sure the server.js has this line app.route(’/_api/package.json’) which it does.
I actually originally had all that but it wasn’t working so I tried removing everything but the very basic to see if I could get it to pass. Put that all back in and it still doesn’t pass the challenge. BTW… I really appreciate your help on this.
You need to run the project, before trying to submit. When you run the project, because you deleted some things in the package.json, you will likely see errors. So, you will need to open the Replit Shell, and run npm install. Then, run the app, and submit the link.