Survey Form - Build a Survey Form

Tell us what’s happening:
hi im having troble with finding the problem

i cant pass because of:
“1. All your radio buttons should have a value attribute and value.
2. Every radio button group should have at least 2 radio buttons”

i made sure all the radio buttons have the same name attribute value so they are grouped
and they all have values
i went over the code multiple times and cant seems to see anything wrong with it
so i would appreciate your help
(sorry for bad english and for messy code)
Your code so far


The challenge seed code and/or your solution exceeded the maximum length we can port over from the challenge.

You will need to take an additional step here so the code you wrote presents in an easy to read format.

Please copy/paste all the editor code showing in the challenge from where you just linked.

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    <div class="header">
      <h1 class="title" id="title">Game Survey Form</h1>
      <p class="description" id="description">Please fill out this form with the required information</p>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
    <form id="survey-form">
        <label id="name-label">Enter your full name: 
          <input id="name" type="text" placeholder="Full name" required >
        <label id="email-label">Enter your email: 
          <input id="email" type="email" placeholder="" required >
        <label id="number-label">Enter your age: 
          <input id="number" type="number" min="13" max="100" placeholder="Age" required>
        <label for="male"> What is your gender:
            <input name="gender" id="male" value="male" type="radio" class="radio"> Male
          <label for="female">
            <input name="gender" id="female" value="female" type="radio" class="radio"> Female
          <label for="other">
            <input name="gender" id="other" value="other" type="radio" class="radio"> Other
        <label>How many hours a day do you play video game: 
          <label for="hours-day-R1">
            <input name="hours-day" id="hours-day-R1" value="0-1" type="radio" class="radio"> 0 - 1 
          <label for="hours-day-R2">
            <input name="hours-day" id="hours-day-R2" value="1 - 3" type="radio" class="radio"> 1 - 3
          <label for="hours-day-R3">
            <input name="hours-day" id="hours-day-R3" value="3 - 5" type="radio" class="radio"> 3 - 5
          <label for="hours-day-R4">
            <input name="hours-day" id="hours-day-R4" value="Alot" type="radio" class="radio"> Alot
          <label for="hours-day-R5">
            <input name="hours-day" id="hours-day-R5" value="Too much" type="radio" class="radio"> Too much
          <label for="hours-day-R6">
            <input name="hours-day" id="hours-day-R6" value="Way too much" type="radio" class="radio"> Way too much
        <label>What kind of gamer do you consider yourself to be: 
          <label for="kind-gamer-R1">
            <input name="kind-gamer" id="kind-gamer-R1" value="Non-gamer" type="radio" class="radio"> Non-gamer
          <label for="kind-gamer-R2">
            <input name="kind-gamer" id="kind-gamer-R2" value="Casual" type="radio" class="radio"> Casual gamer
          <label for="kind-gamer-R3">
            <input name="kind-gamer" id="kind-gamer-R3" value="Gamer" type="radio" class="radio"> Gamer
          <label for="kind-gamer-R4">
            <input name="kind-gamer" id="kind-gamer-R4" value="Dedicated-gamer" type="radio" class="radio"> Dedicated gamer
          <label for="kind-gamer-R5">
            <input name="kind-gamer" id="kind-gamer-R5" value="PRO-gamer" type="radio" class="radio"> PRO gamer
        <label>How many keyboards/mouses/monitors/controllers have you broken:
          <label for="broken-R1">
            <input name="broken" id="broken-R1" value="0" type="radio" class="radio"> 0
          <label for="broken-R2">
            <input name="broken" id="broken-R2" value="1 - 3" type="radio" class="radio"> 1 - 3
          <label for="broken-R3">
            <input name="broken" id="broken-R3" value="3 - 5" type="radio" class="radio"> 3 - 5
          <label for="broken-R4">
            <input name="broken" id="broken-R4" value="I dont want to say" type="radio" class="radio"> I dont want to say
        <label>What is the most important for a good game:
          <label for="imp-game-C1">
             <input name="important-game" id="imp-game-C1" value="Story" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Story
          <label for="imp-game-C2">
             <input name="important-game" id="imp-game-C2" value="Controls" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Controls
          <label for="imp-game-C3">
             <input name="important-game" id="imp-game-C3" value="Visual style/Effects" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Visual style/Effects
          <label for="imp-game-C4">
             <input name="important-game" id="imp-game-C4" value="Sound/music" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Sound/music
          <label for="imp-game-C5">
             <input name="important-game" id="imp-game-C5" value="World buliding" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> World buliding
          <label for="imp-game-C6">
             <input name="important-game" id="imp-game-C6" value="Characters" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Characters
          <label for="imp-game-C7">
             <input name="important-game" id="imp-game-C7" value="Challenge" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Challenge
          <label for="imp-game-C8">
             <input name="important-game" id="imp-game-C8" value="other" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Other
        <label>What are your favorite game genres:
          <label for="fav-gen-C1">
             <input name="favorite-genres" id="fav-gen-C1" value="Action" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Action
          <label for="fav-gen-C2">
             <input name="favorite-genres" id="fav-gen-C2" value="Adventure" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Adventure
          <label for="fav-gen-C3">
             <input name="favorite-genres" id="fav-gen-C3" value="Action-adventure" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Action-adventure
          <label for="fav-gen-C4">
             <input name="favorite-genres" id="fav-gen-C4" value="Role-playing" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Role-playing
          <label for="fav-gen-C5">
             <input name="favorite-genres" id="fav-gen-C5" value="Strategy" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Strategy
          <label for="fav-gen-C6">
             <input name="favorite-genres" id="fav-gen-C6" value="Simulation" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Simulation
          <label for="fav-gen-C7">
             <input name="favorite-genres" id="fav-gen-C7" value="Puzzle" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Puzzle
          <label for="fav-gen-C8">
             <input name="favorite-genres" id="fav-gen-C8" value="Sports" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Sports
          <label for="fav-gen-C9">
             <input name="favorite-genres" id="fav-gen-C9" value="Racing" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Racing
          <label for="fav-gen-C10">
             <input name="favorite-genres" id="fav-gen-C10" value="Idle games" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Idle games
          <label for="fav-gen-C11">
             <input name="favorite-genres" id="fav-gen-C11" value="other" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"> Other
        <label for="fav-game">What is your favorite game:
            <input id="fav-game" name="fav-game" type="text" required placeholder="Your favorite game">
          <label for="fav-game-elab">Can you elaborate:
            <textarea id="fav-game-elab" name="fav-game" placeholder="I like this game because..."></textarea>
        <label id="dropdown-label">How did you hear about us: 
          <select id="dropdown" name="dropdown" required>
            <option value="">(select one)</option>
            <option value="friend">friend</option>
            <option value="social media">social media</option>
            <option value="advertisement">advertisement</option>
            <option value="other">other</option>
          <label for="web-imp">Website improvement suggestions:
            <textarea id="web-imp" name="web-improvement" placeholder="Please help us improve our website"></textarea>
        <label for="terms">
          <input name="terms and conditions" id="terms" type="radio" class="radio" required> I agree to the <a href="">terms and conditions</a> and <a href="">privacy policies</a>
      <input id="submit" type="submit" value="Submit">
    <p id="credit" name="credit" class="credit">Created by Bururk</p>
    <p class="credit">Free Code Camp Project</p>
      <div class="icons">
          <a class="icon-fcc" href="" title="Free Code Camp Profile" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><i class="fa-brands fa-free-code-camp fa-3x"></i></a>

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Challenge: Survey Form - Build a Survey Form

Link to the challenge:

<label for="terms">
  <input name="terms and conditions" id="terms" type="radio" class="radio" required> I agree to the <a href="">terms and conditions</a> and <a href="">privacy policies</a>

This radio button doesn’t have a value attribute. Also, are you sure this should be a radio button? Radio buttons are usually used to choose between two more more options. Since this is a standalone input, I think checkbox might be more appropriate.

Change the above to a checkbox and this issue disappears.

1 Like

Damnnn im blind as bat
Didn’t see this
Thank you very much

I didn’t really have a good reason to make it a radio button
it was just a thoughtless dumb mistake

But can you tell why does it matter?
Isnt checkbox for multiple choice too?

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