Survey Form Project , Please kindly give me advises

Hello Coders,

I just done my survey form project, Please give some advises so I can Improve.

Here’s the link

Thank you !

Hey @hchen ,
You have done great job overall.
Just a few things:

  1. Try to align your page to center, it will look better.
  2. Also, you may want change the positioning of radio buttons and chechboxes.
  3. Improve the responsiveness of your page.

Well done though!!??

I just updated it . Would you help me to check it again and it would be nice for another feedback ?

Thank you very much.

You also need to add the for attribute to all your labels as a good practice.

Ok, so you did this. Well Done. You are learning.

I think you got me wrong on this one.
See the sample FCC survey form and notice how they arrange the inputs and labels separately on

Okay wil do it
Thank you :grin:

I still try to figure out how to do it…
is it split the page with divs ? or using labels with for attribute to make it happened ?
Thank you :blush:

Yeah that would be great.
It make your task of making your page responsive easy.

You should do that as a good practice as @sorinr mentioned.

just finish updated, please kindly help me check it again and give some advises. Thank you :grin:

Your page looks great on desktop.
It’s equally good on mobile devices except for “div” which contains paragraph with id “description”.
The content in that para overflows to right.
You should give a width of around 80% to your id “description” and it should fix it.

You have made a great improvement though.
All the best.

Thank you very much for noticing the errors, I also add some width for input text,email and number.

Very well done.
Your page looks as expected now.

Good job…

All the best for upcoming projects. :+1:

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