Survey Form Submission

Hi All,
here is my Survey Form project. Please let me know what you think.

Survey Form


I like it. A couple things I’m curious about are:

  • Should the check marks for Old Serial Number and New Serial Number be there without any inputted text?
  • Should your Additional Comments section be using a placeholder instead pre-filled text?
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nice job!
You chose some great colors!
Your shadow for the form is a bit too heavy.
You don’t need to say that the inputs with the asterics are required. The red border is fine.
You can keep the text there if you want.

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Hi @Ronan-42, your form looks good. A few things you may want to revisit;

  • codepen provides validators for HTML, CSS and JS. Click on the down arrow in the upper right of each section and then click on the respective ‘Analyze’ link.
    • in CSS you have a typo that could affect the way your form displays
    • in HTML you have a couple of places where you use an id more than once. id's can only be used once.
  • make your form responsive. It doesn’t scale well on smaller screens
  • change the cursor to a pointer when hovering over the Submit button
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Thanks nojjlau
I had an initial value of “1” for the serial numbers. I changed this to “” and now the field is invalid. This will work better because now something has to be entered.
I changed additional text to a placeholder.
Thanks for the feedback, the form performs better.

Thanks ConnerOw1115
I’ve modified the shadow - looks much better.
I deleted the asterixs and comment at the top. It was a bit of an overkill.
Great suggestions. Thanks

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Thanks Roma
Didn’t know about the validators, great tool, fixed the errors and changed the pointer on the submit button. Will look at making it responsive when I have finished the next challenge as I am going to start this one being responsive. So I can learn how to do it rather than hack this one.

You’re totally welcome.
Keep up the great coding!