T-Shirt Sale In The Shop

Are FreeCodeCamp t-shirts going to be available in the “Shop” again?


Yes - we are working to come up with some interesting designs. Then we will have another t-shirt campaign.


Is there posibility for t-shirts with lower shiping in Europe? Thank you :smiley:

Did you consider the possibility to put in an offer a mugs for coffee?
I think it would be very interesting.

Yes - we may offer these. Any ideas for what we might put on them?

The Free Code Camp t-shirts are back in the shop :slight_smile:

I thought the same things as on T-shirts.

  • logo
  • freeCodeCamp + logo
  • data.open()

On them coffee mug i’d put “energy++” or body.push(coffee)


I already picked one up :slight_smile:. I’m happy to support you (even in a small way) and what you stand for Quincy. Your an amazing person and I believe you are making a large positive impact in the world.

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Oh yeah I’d really like a mug like that

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@mizu awesome. Thanks! Those are good ideas!

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@codelogicws thank you for your kind words, and for supporting our open source community :slight_smile: Me and the rest of our core team will keep up the hard work :slight_smile:

Do you have your own t shirt store? Nowadays you can design a t shirt using web to print software for your business.