Technical Document Page (Wayne Johnson)

Hey! i completed the technical document page project!

Feedback would be appreciated!


Hey Wayne,

Looks alright, well done!

Some small things I would alter:

  1. The navbar items could possibly have a bit bigger font. They are a bit too hard to read for me now.
  2. Also I suggest increasing the <a> sizes, maybe to the size of current <li> elements. This way the clickable are will increase - it will be much more user friendly.
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Thanks for the feedback much appreciated!

Your page looks good @BlazeRetro. Couple of minor things;

  • Don’t use <br> to force spacing or line breaks. That’s what CSS is for.
    • You can remove it and it really doesn’t affect your page that much.
  • Codepen provides validators for HTML, CSS and JS. Click on the down arrow in the upper right of each section and then click on the respective ‘Analyze’ link.
    • The one for CSS is good. Use it, there’s something to clean up. You may have to run it twice or thrice. The one is a typo. The second one, you want to keep your declarations together. Makes it easier when doing maintenance.
    • The one for HTML misses things which is why I recommend W3C

My bad, i left the <br> tag in there by mistake, i normally use it for temporary use to see what something would look like before i add some padding or margin lol. And thanks for the heads up with the validators.

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