Technical documentation user issues implemented but still shows error

Hello, I have completed the technical documentation project and it works fine with all user issues taken into consideration and implemented but still I am getting 3 errors. I am not able to understand why? Any help to clarify this issue will be greatly appreciated. thank you.
here is the link to the codepen for this project.

Your page is rather long so I don’t have the time to go through and find the errors myself, but I think the tests are rather self-explanatory, so you should be able to figure out where the errors are if you double check everything closely. It’s most likely a typo or something like that. You just need to go through your HTML and find it.

If you have a specific question about any of the tests please let us know.

hello Bruce,
Thank you for pointing out that the errors may be due to minor typos…
As you mentioned to check the code once which I did I found out that even extra spaces were not allowed in the FCC test, I passed the test for the technical documentation project just now…thought might thank you for your help…
Thank you.

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