Technical page documentation project feedback

I am looking to get some feedback on my technical documentation page project.

You can see the page here:

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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Hey there @kpav!

Your page looks great! it’s responsive and has a genuinely appealing design! I do recommend going with bolder colors on the page but there is also a weird bug that happens when I resize the windows.

When I resize it to a small windows everything resizes to the responsive version of the page:

But then when I go back to full screen the navbar disappears

I’m not sure if this is a problem with GitHub pages or your code but I do recommend you do some research to fix it, I constantly have to refresh the page to fix it. Overall, your code is amazing and exceptionally clean, Keep up to excellent work!

Happy coding!

That’s because of the browsers we use.

There is no wrong with the code.

Hello thank you for the feedback.

That little bug happens as you noticed, when you try to check responsiveness of the page in your browser. Otherwise the page works as it is intended on mobile and yes this is caused by my code. I have implemented a little fix, so now it should work properly when you try to resize the page to smaller dimensions and back to full screen.

Ok cool! It works as expected now!

Keep up the good work @kpav!