Test Runner Failed - Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs

Some factors made me think this is a bug.

1: Unlike all other similar tests, the editor is not updating itself. In similar tests you don’t even need to ctrl + enter.
2: I believe I’m not making any mistakes, since I did it and redid it multiple times and even copied and pasted the right answer.
3: The editor does not say the cause of the error.
4: other people have reported similar problems on the forum.
5: the editor shows an unusual message “Test Runner Failed”.

I would like to know if there is anything I can do other than delete the entire project, lose my progress and start over.

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please run
cd ~/project
more .freecodecamp/.mocharc.json
and show us the result

please try this
cd ~/project/.freecodecamp
ls -la


I have also added your first comment’s code, idk if it helps

can you look at the instructions here https://forum.freecodecamp.org/t/test-runner-fail/575106/8?u=hbar1st
and show us the output from following this?

I didn’t find CodeRoad (Tests) as the link you sent ask to, so I chose the CodeRoad (Logs)

can you show what is in the Output tab as per the link I sent you?

are you talking about this one?

Also I continued to follow the link’s instructions and this is the result too, neither cat or more works with the .mosharc.json

can you do a soft reset from the green hamburger menu in the top left corner of the screen?
After that please check again
cd ~/project/.freeCodeCamp
more .mocharc.json

if the result is still an empty file (no result from the more command) then one possible workaround is to run
nano .mocharc.json
and use copy and paste (with SHIFT-INSERT) to paste the following code in

  "spec": ["./test/940.test.js"],
  "reporter": "mocha-tap-reporter",
  "fail-zero": false,
  "timeout": "5000",
  "exit": "true",
  "grep": "/./"

Then once you have pasted the code in carefully you should enter

to save it

Then run more .mocharc again to confirm the contents are exactly as provided.

Then try the step again.

Still nothing, even after the soft reset

okay pls try the instructions in the previous post that I added.
please be careful when doing it.

A lot of things to do, but I did it in the order
did the nano + the code

Exited and Saved with ctrl x and y

And executed the more command

Even with all of that the result is the same

Can you try my instructions again and confirm that you updated the .mosharc.json file by running the more command?

Only after you have confirmed this, retry the step.

Before anything:


Update the file with nano:

After nano, trying the more command again:

This shows that you have not modified the file.

In nano, you must press ctrl+x at the same time
Thenit will ask you if you want to save
Please respond with y
After this use the more command

Modify → Ctrl+x:

Press Y → Change to the terminal → Execute more command on .mocharc.json:

I did that multiple times

For some reason nothing is getting saved.
Run this more .mocharc.json.save.1