This question is about my personal challenge

hi guys,my qu.estion is not about my code,i am having a challenge of read and forget,things that i read and understood hardly stay in my mermory,even tho i come across what i had already read and solved on some challenges i still have to go back and take a glance at it before i could remember,honestly this is making me feel like i cant be so good on coding like i am desiring i need help

  **Your code so far**

var count = 0;

function cc(card) {
// Only change code below this line

if (card == 2 || card == 3 || card == 4 || card ==5 || card ==6) {
	//alert("2 3 4 5 6");
  count += 1;
else if (card == 7 || card == 8 || card == 9) {
    count += 0;
else if (card == 10 || card == "J" || card == "Q" || card == "K" || card == "A") {
    count -= 1;
if (count <= 0) {
	return String(count) + " Hold";
else {
	return String(count) + " Bet";

return "Change Me";
// Only change code above this line

cc(2); cc(3); cc(7); cc('K'); cc('A');
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Challenge: Counting Cards

Link to the challenge:

Learning a new programming language is just like learning anything else, you have to study and practice. You can’t expect to take it all in on the first try. I don’t know what your level of schooling is but I’m assuming you have some and thus hopefully you figured out over the years what works best for you to learn new things. Apply that to learning JS.

Also, FCC by itself isn’t necessarily going to make you an expert at JS. It is a great site and you will learn a lot but I highly encourage you to use other resources as well (other coding web sites, books, video tutorials, etc…).


I would also add that you shouldn’t expect to memorize everything. It is more important to know what is available and know how to look it up. Most developers are googling things several times a day. Of course, things that you use more often will start to stick in your memory, but no one can remember all of this stuff, especially when you add in all the libraries and stuff you need.


Been working in javascript and a few other languages for a very long time, and i keep research sites open all the time. I can’t remember if i prefer slice or splice, can’t even remember all the html tags.

Having the idea that there’s something, and being able to research that…way more important than memorizing.

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wow,here i am thinking i am not smart enough for this.thank you so much

i got another question for you,writing torns of codes ofhand is it possible? or is this coding about knowing where and when to apply stuffs and sourcing the information on google

What has worked for me is constantly practicing by building small exercises.

Practice is key.

You can practice examples for arrays, objects, recursion, etc.

The more that you practice different examples for a concept or method then it will start to stick better.

But if you have only been exposed to it once or twice then you will probably forget it.

Continually practice over time is going to help you remember more.

As others have mentioned, it is not about memorizing everything since that is impossible.

please what are the small exercises that you build,i mean should i continue solving a particular challenge untill it sticks in my mermory before going into another challenge.

and please what are the small exercises that you build constantly that have helped you

Something that has been forgotten is not the same as something that was never learned. You can look up stuff fairly quickly when you have learned about it even if you forget a bunch of it. Also, forgetting and recalling is a good way to form stronger memories.

Learning to read documentation and looking up stuff is a vital skill.

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thank you so much .this really relieved me!

For example, when I first learned about the different array methods I couldn’t for the life of me remember shift, pop, push, etc.

I kept looking it up but I kept forgetting each time it came in a new exercise.

What worked for me was to create my own examples.

I would just create an array and practice using the push method.

let foodArr = ['pizza','cake','burrito']
// foodArr is now ["pizza","cake","burrito","pancake"] 

That’s what works best for me and my learning style is constantly practicing.
That helps me learn and remember concepts better.

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Yeah, I swear, every frickin’ time, I cannot remember which is which, which one mutates the original, and which takes what parameters. Every time I have to go to the MDN docs. I imagine that I’d remember them better if I used them more, but it doesn’t really matter because I know I can find it in 5 seconds on MDN.

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constant practicing is also what works for me too,not that i ve not learnt alot so far but my curiosity and wanting to learn very fast wont let me be.i was told all these cant happen overnight. especially having started without any prior knowledge.honestly im just having the burning desire to start writing codes on my own.

I’m sure my wife would tell you that if I can do it, it can’t take too much brain power.

Maybe to become a world class coder, top of the profession, you need an amazing brain. I think most people with average intelligence can become good coders, and with hard work I think most people can become great coders.

fast learning is overrated.

I am a slow learner.
But I’m fine with that. :grinning:

You’ll get there.

Right now just keep learning the basics and then you can start building small projects with something like javascript 30

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100% this! Slow is steady. Steady is fast.

Take all the time you need to properly understand the concepts.


For me, it’s about applying what i know, and finding ways of applying what i want to know.

I didn’t understand a lot of the newer syntax, the es6 stuff, so i built a pile of small projects to get familiar. A Timer class to learn the class syntax, dozens of reducers, so many little thought experiments.

I have literally hundreds of repls, created to play with one particular detail i didn’t understand. You never stop learning, you never stop creating.

I still have to revisit the basics a lot, simply to ensure that the things i think i know are accurate. And each time i do that, each time i field q question here or in the chat groups…i learn a little more, i retain a little more.

How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice.

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