Tribute Page Challenge (Stephen Hawking)

The tribute seemed fitting today.
Only works correctly on a bigger screen, haven’t focused on responsive yet. Let me know what you guys think :slight_smile:!

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Yours is Awesome! I am a beginner so mine is a bit bland as of yet… I really love how you put the animation on the photo! Here is my link:

Thanks! I appreciate it :grinning:
I don’t think yours it that bland at all! I love the simplicity.

If I had to give some feedback it would be to check your code for missing closing brackets.
<h4><strong>1988-1992</strong><h4> Should be <h4><strong>1988-1992</strong></h4>.
(see the </h4>)

At the bottom there’s also a </div<

Thanks for the feedback! I will have to fix that…LOL