Tribute page - looking for feedback and some questions

Hello everyone, I’ve just completed my HTML Tribute page project.
I’m kindly asking for any feedback on optimisation, style and things I could do better.

You can find the link here: FCC tribute page Carl Sagan

The project had to grow on me :smile: I’ve spend maybe too much time on research on the subject, but it was time well spend. Childhood memories on space and rockets I suppose.

I’ve made the project in VScode and posted it on Github, because I’m following The Odin project alongside FCC. Both awesome resources!

Talking about resources. I worried abit on using sources from other websites. I’m aware of copyright rules and such, but is there a policy within FCC on using copyrighted material ? I’ve made a list of used sources on the bottom of my page.

Thank you for your reply.

I’m afraid I have no useful feedback for you because I’m just learning this stuff myself but I think this looks great :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forums @Kookgek. Your page looks good. Something to revisit;

Thank you both for your replies!

I will look into the meaningful text.
Although I can open the Wikipedia site myself when i click on it?

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Hey @Kookgek. What @Roma meant by accessible is that Wikipedia link is not friendly for people who rely on screen readers.
Speaking about copyright problems, I usually add a text at the bottom of my project that says “This project is created only for academic purposes and is not functional.” Then, I add another text that states from which websites I have taken the content, images, icons, etc. and give appropriate links to it. So, I think if we give appropriate credits in the footer, there is no problem.

Please read the provided links to see what I mean by ‘not accessible’. It doesn’t mean that the link cannot be reached.

Ahaa! Thanks for clearing that up! Thank you both, I will look into the accessibility.

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