Trying to understand why clicking on a button1 doesn't change the buttons text when goTown function is commented in building a role playing game

Here is the code.

let xp = 0;
let health = 100;
let gold = 50;
let currentWeaponIndex = 0;
let fighting;
let monsterHealth;
let inventory = ["stick"];

const button1 = document.querySelector('#button1');
const button2 = document.querySelector("#button2");
const button3 = document.querySelector("#button3");
const text = document.querySelector("#text");
const xpText = document.querySelector("#xpText");
const healthText = document.querySelector("#healthText");
const goldText = document.querySelector("#goldText");
const monsterStats = document.querySelector("#monsterStats");
const monsterName = document.querySelector("#monsterName");
const monsterHealthText = document.querySelector("#monsterHealth");
const locations = [
    name: "town square",
    "button text": ["Go to store", "Go to cave", "Fight dragon"],
    "button functions": [goStore, goCave, fightDragon],
    text: "You are in the town square. You see a sign that says \"Store\"."
    name: "store",
    "button text": ["Buy 10 health (10 gold)", "Buy weapon (30 gold)", "Go to town square"],
    "button functions": [buyHealth, buyWeapon, goTown],
    text: "You enter the store."

// initialize buttons
button1.onclick = goStore;
button2.onclick = goCave;
button3.onclick = fightDragon;

function update(location) {
  button1.innerText = location["button text"][0];
  button2.innerText = location["button text"][1];
  button3.innerText = location["button text"][2];
  button1.onclick = location["button functions"][0];
  button2.onclick = location["button functions"][1];
  button3.onclick = location["button functions"][2];
  text.innerText = location.text;

// function goTown() {
//   update(locations[0]);
// }

function goStore() {

function goCave() {
  console.log("Going to cave.");

function fightDragon() {
  console.log("Fighting dragon.");

function buyHealth() {


function buyWeapon() {


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my bad, I put 2 backticks instead of 3, thanx.

so, when I click on the first button for the first time it calls goStore function, goStore function calls update function with locations[1] argument, so button texts should be changed right? but texts don’t change when goTown function is commented, they change only when goTown is uncommented, I don’t understand what the whole code has to do with goTown function.

can you give a link to the step? I need to run the code

do you get an error in the console? an undeclared variable could stop the code from running

It says “goTown is not defined”, here is the link:

that’s why it doesn’t work, you have an error that stops everything

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