What are typical Interview Questions/Answers

I’ve been coding for some time and have created a few projects on my free time. I was wondering what kind of questions get asked during interviews for junior/entry level web development?

I’ve seen a few books about coding interview questions, would you guys reccomend one of those?

Would anybody be willing to share what kind of Q’s and A’s they went through when applying for a job?

I know how to code, but sometimes the terminology trips me up since I don’t talk to too many people in person.

Honestly, when I am in a job hunt I just google “JavaScript interview questions” and work my way through the lists that come up in the first page of results. In terms of whiteboarding type questions, “Cracking the Coding Interview” is sort of the gold standard of interview prep books, but you can also find lots of real world examples online. Glassdoor allows people to share the interview tasks they were given for specific companies and there is at least one subreddit dedicated to technical interview questions.

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It’s already here. First two sections. Algorithms and data structures.


@ArielLeslie @kravmaguy Thanks for the replies, i’ll be checking it out today.

When you guys interviewed were there any curve balls or tricks questions?

There have often been questions that I didn’t know the answer to, and I just told them that. Most employers aren’t trying to trick you. The ones that are… I wouldn’t want to work for anyway.

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ive not interviewed anywhere officially. if its a javascript job u want this may also help:

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Disclaimer - this is from my experience interviewing for full stack roles.

Questions tend to fall within one of four kinds of questions:

  1. Algorithm/DS focused, leetcode-style problems. Best way to prepare here is to practice. Leetcode, Codewars are good places to do this. Cracking the Coding Interview is also an excellent resource.
  2. General knowledge questions - e.g. how does the web work, how does a load balancer work, etc. Ways to prepare: read up on how everything works. If you need a more hands on approach, try to build simple versions of those things, or using those things.
  3. Build X - on a few occasions for on-sites I’ve been given a task like “Make X in Y minutes”, where X can be a simple game or application. Sometimes they’re supervised, sometimes not. The key here is being able to write somewhat reasonable code, and quickly - there are always extensions, and being able to get through all of them will wow your interviewer. Preparation through practice.
  4. Systems design - my least favorite kind. This is where the interviewer will ask you to design a system for Twitter clone, or some kind of messaging app. You’ll have the freedom to go into as much or as little detail as you want, and the interviewer may prod you for more or less detail depending on how on track you are. I prepared by watching videos on youtube; there are plenty that walk you through them (watch at 1.5x-2x speed though).

At no point was I ever thrown a trick question or curve ball. Employers are generally not looking for clever people, they are looking for competent people.