What Happened to the pro-bono projects?

Many moons ago, when freecodecamp was green. When you completed the certs you could then offer these skills to non-profits:


What happened to this? I thought it was a great idea!

That was discontinued.

I was not a part of that decision. It sounds like a bad idea, but I imagine that having swarms of (barely) self-taught coders trying to work on some non-profits’ sites, working without much (if any) supervision and for people that probably don’t have much experience dealing with tech teams - that seems to me to be a recipe for a big mess.

While I love and respect FCC, it is not really enough to get you job ready. In my own experience, I had to spend another year aggressively learning and building projects. Even then, I was only ready to work as an entry level person under someone’s supervision. #ymmv

I really don’t see how a program like this could work without a lot of supervision and infrastructure. That isn’t really how FCC is structured.

You’re welcome to look for open source projects (like FCC). But even that can be a little daunting - it’s like the wild west out there sometimes.


Thank you sir, I think when FCC was smaller like 5 years ago it was probably easier to manage but with the massive growth it would be insane to organise and project manage, what a nightmare eh!

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