What mean comment out in HTML?

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<!-- -->
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<!--Hello World-->
<!-- -->
<p>Kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff.</p>
<!-- -->

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Challenge: Comment out HTML

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Commenting or commenting out, to my knowledge I’m old-school and have been learning and messing with coding as a hobby since the late 70s, is a fairly new term for what used to be referred to as REM (short for remove). It’s simply putting characters in front of and behind code we want the http engine to ignore so it’s not compiled and/or displayed.

In html REM’ing/Commenting is done like this:

<!-- place text here if you want as a note --->

We can comment/REM specific lines of code in html like this:

<!-- <a href="example.html">Example Link Text</a> -->

Different languages have their own character combinations we need to use to comment (REM).
Java, javascript, json, et cetra: //

// This line will be ignored.

$(#id).load(example.html); // This line of code will be ran however this text will be ignored since it's after the 2 forward slashes.

// This code will not be run because it's after the forward slashes $(#id).load(example.html);

// $(#id).load(example.html); this line won't be run either because it's after the slashes.

With css the most common way of commenting out notes and code we’re not using is to surround it with /* at the beginning and */ at the end:

/* This line will be ignored. The lines below will run. */
.class {
   property: value;
   property: value; /* We can also place them here like this */

/* Commenting multiple lines in CSS can be done like this
.class {
   property: value;
  property: value;
All of these lines will be ignored */

With php either // or a semi-colon can be used:

// This line will be ignored.
; This line will be ignored. 
// The following line will run

$php.Code(link_script) //The code in this line will run, this text will be ignored.

//&php.Code(stuff) This entire line will be ignored. 

; $callYourMom(555.555.5555) This entire line will be ignored. 

‘Comment’ isn’t really a new term. The term predates ANSI C, which was codified in 1989. Heck, it probably predates K&R C, and that book came out in 1978. I’ve honestly never heard of commenting called REM.

I believe I first learned it with Qbasic in the late 70s. I think that’s where I heard it called REM. I’m not sure since that was so long ago. The php-nuke team that created php-nuke with F. Burzi also referred to it as REM more often than Comment.

I’m not positive where calling it that came from. It could be from VBA code for Microsoft Office suites (?) since it’s one of the ways we can cause lines in VBA to be ignored, by placing REM at the beginning of a line.

C is older than VBA. VBA first came onto the scene in 1993 while C has been around since 1972. Fortran also calls them comments, and Fortran has been around since 1957. Specifically, FORTRAN II had comments, and it was in use in 1958. The went so far as to use C as the comment character. For FORTRAN (the original specification created in 1953), a C as the first character indicated the entire punchcard was a comment.

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